Thirty one people representing visitor information centres throughout Somerset Regional Council (SRC)  recently participated in a Family bus  Tour of the northern area of the Somerset Region. After a browse through the Photo Gallery and Historical Museum at the Jimna Visitor Information Centre and morning tea, the party set off on a guided tour of the former timber town, followed by an on site inspection of the Jimna Fire Tower and an invigorating  walk through the Peach Trees Camping Grounds. Feed back from the visit has been extremely positive with participants highly supportive of the tourism potential of the region and in particular the magnificent Jimna Fire Tower. The Jimna Fire Tower Action Group (JFTAG)  remains optimistic that the ever increasing public  call for a tourism attraction/destination feasibility study, to be carried out on the tower, may inspire one of  our Government bodies or Tourism agencies  into taking the driver’s seat on this issue.

In preparation for promised consultation with current owners, Forestry Plantation Queensland (FPQ),  regarding future ownership of the Tower, JFTAG  has requested Somerset Regional Council to facilitate a meeting with JFTAG for the purpose of putting relevant information and material before councillors and council  officers. JFTAG  is of the opinion  that  the viability of preserving this Heritage Listed Australian Icon not only  deserves  to be thoroughly investigated, but that it’s evaluation needs to be driven  by Local Government.

FOUR TON LIMIT ON PEACH TREES BRIDGE:- Advice has been  received from Qld Parks and Wildlife that new signage is  soon to  be erected complimenting the present 4 Ton limit sign located  at the Yabba Creek bridge entrance to Peach Trees camping  grounds. The new signs will direct vehicles over 4 Ton  to the nearby Peach Trees Overflow  camping area.
REVISED WALKING TRACK AND OFF ROAD MAPS:- With visitation numbers on the increase to the Jimna area, there is a growing demand for walking and off road maps to cater for all  requirements  from passive to extreme. Welcome aboard FANTASTIC REPRODUCTIONS Map, Printing and Copy specialists  of King St, Caboolture PH (07) 5495 7491, proud sponsors of Jimna Forest Recreation Maps.
FRIENDS OF JIMNA FIRE TOWER MEMBERSHIP FUNDING APPEAL: Please access application enquiries and forms by utilising any of the contact options below.
Membership Fees are :-. $10 Single …. $15 Double …….$20 Business ….and/or…. $….Donation….