no news may be good news
Apologies to those Jimna Fire Tower Supporters who do not receive this weeks update on time by Email. Due to an unprecedented occurrence of virus attacks, power failures, and on line technical faults with our Secretary’s computer at Jimna, J.F.T.A.G are experiencing difficulty in processing normal functions. Hopefully all will return to normal in the not so distant future with service work currently underway.
While J.F.T.A.G waits for some indication from the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) as to where and how the Jimna Fire Tower issue is being addressed by the Queensland Government, we continue to promote Public awareness and register Public support both locally and throughout South East Queensland. J.F.T.A.G can only speculate that no news is good news, and that the Tower will be secure and safe over the Christmas Holidays, as promised by the Minister for Primary Industries and Fisheries, the Hon. Tim. Mulherin M.P.
Peach Trees Day Use Area and Camping Grounds provide an ideal central location for visitors to discover the myriad of tracks and forest drives that traverse the Jimna State Forest and Conondale National Park.