After several State Government Agencies have indicated their interest in the future of the Jimna Fire Tower, the Jimna Fire Tower Action Group JFTAG has resolved to assist the reformation of the Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Inc., for the purpose of gaining the support of a local broad based, widely representative and nationally cognisedorganisation.

JFTAG has decided to seek acceptance as a sub committee of the Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce, which would provide greater support and professionalism in driving the project forward towards the original and ultimate goal of redeveloping the Jimna Fire Tower into a self funded tourist attraction / destination”. Other issues seriously restricting commerce derived from forest recreational activity in South East Queensland, like the “future commercial and public use” and “management policies” of State Forests and National Parks, can then be pursued from a stronger and more cohesive platform.   

MAJOR FUND RAISING RAFFLE LAUNCH :- Many thanks to the following sponsors who have made available the wonderful prizes listed for our major fund raising raffle to be conducted over the next three months. Details and format as follows :

1st prize $1000 value tiles of winners choice from Tiles Mobile Woodford PH M 0466 377 634.

2nd prize $180 value o/nite stay for two at Kilcoy Farmstay overlooking beautiful Somerset Dam PH 07 5497 2488.

3rd prize $150 value o/nite stay for two at  Hunting Lodge Estate Winery and Safari Lodges set in the scenic hills of Mt Kilcoy PH 07 5498 1243.

Many thanks also to Woodford Lions who have welcomed JFTAG to conduct the rafffe draw and a sausage sizzle, to coincide with the official opening of Tile Mobile at 3/92 Archer St. Woodford, on Woodford Lions Market Day Sunday 19th July 2009.

Tickets are now on sale at $2 each, 5 ticket books at $10 each, or 10 ticket books at $20 each, and can be ordered by simply replying to this email, or by accessing any of the contact options below. Please include your postal mailing details and ticket order so that a stamped return envelope can be forwarded. (min. $10 book by post). JFTAG is sincerely grateful in anticipation of your support which is vital to maintaining our campaign to preserve Jimna Fire Tower..      

CHANGE OF MEETING TIME ;-  So as to coincide with Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Interim Committee meetings please note time and venue changes as below.

FRIENDS OF JIMNA FIRE TOWER MEMBERSHIP FUNDING APPEAL:- . Please access application enquiries and forms by utilising any of the contact options below. Membership Fees are :-.. $10 Single …. $15 Double …….$20 Business ….and/or…. $….Donation….