While the Jimna Fire Tower Action Group (JFTAG) awaits concurrence from Forestry Plantations Queensland (FPQ), regarding the “memorandum of understanding” from the 19/01/07 FPQ/JFTAG meeting, JFTAG is focusing on planing a program of fund raising and public awareness events. It is important to note that these events are not flag waving rallies, they are not protest or demonstration forums, but are intended to be peaceful, fun, family occasions, that may inspire Mums and Dads to plan an adventure into the beautiful Conondale National Park/Jimna State Forest Area.
JFTAG has officially endorsed the following calendar of events for readers to chose, and don’t forget slip slop slap and good footwear if participating in any of the walks. While social clubs and bus groups are most welcome, JFTAG would be grateful to receive prior email notice regarding numbers wishing to facilitate the sausage sizzles for catering purposes.
BIG DAY OUT FOR JIMNA FIRE TOWER – when – Sunday 18/03/07. This is an open day for participants to plan their own individual itinerary, (see link to Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service Web site for area map). But be warned!!, it’s a big area and there is lots to see and explore. Be sure to give plenty of thought to your route, and allow plenty of time for unplaned stops at beauty spots. NO FUEL past Kilcoy, Kenilworth,Imbil, Nanango or Murgon. PUBLIC TOILETS at Peach Trees Camping Grounds and beside Jimna Public Hall. SAUSAGE SIZZLE from 10am till 2pm at the Jimna Tourist Information Centre, 4 Currawong St., Jimna, right opposite Bellbird Park, Jimna, where off road PARKING is recommended and available.
BIG WALKS FOR JIMNA FIRE TOWER – where – from Peach Trees Park to Jimna Fire Tower approx 3klms. When – Easter Sunday 8/04/07 — Labour Day Sunday 6/05/07 — Queens Birthday Sunday 10/06/07. Please note that as Peach Trees Park will be heavily booked on these dates, a parking area will be designated outside the camping area for day trippers, as well as a walkers muster area –more details later.
BIG CAMP OUT FOR JIMNA FIRE TOWER – when – State School Holiday weekend September 28th/29th 2007.