Forestry Plantations Qld. confirms tower site maintenance
It is encouraging to report this week, that the Queensland Government Department currently legally responsible for the Jimna Fire Tower, that is; Forestry Plantations Queensland FPQ, has assured the Jimna Fire Tower Action Group JFTAG that a regular maintenance schedule is in place for the upkeep of the tower site grounds. This assurance was given in reply to JFTAG concerns that, with the growing season upon us, and without regular mowing etc the tower site was in danger of becoming overgrown and unsightly. This action by FPQ is seen by JFTAG as an indication, that the spirit of co-operation initially sought in the quest to have every alternative to demolition of the tower evaluated, is now being demonstrated and appreciated.
Also encouraging is the visitor interest being generated by the plight of the Jimna Fire Tower, in particular the increasing number of camp site bookings being made at nearby Peach Trees Camping Grounds, which is swelling the coffers of Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service QPWLS. The realization of the tremendous income producing potential of the Jimna Fire Tower when redeveloped as a tourist attraction, surely must require our decision makers to reexamine the towers future financial viability, not only as a self funded destination but its added benefit to tourism in south east Queensland.
Through this article JFTAG calls on the Queensland Government Minister for Environment and Heritage the Honourable Lindy Nelson/Carr to expedite the process by which the Queensland Heritage Council is currently considering the proposed Jimna Fire Tower engineering review. JFTAG is in receipt of guidelines for funding under the Australian Governments National Heritage Investment Initiative NHII, which offers $10.5 million over four years, to help restore and conserve Australia’s most important Heritage Places, but until the Queensland Government shows genuine commitment towards the preservation of Queensland Heritage Places like the Jimna Fire Tower, then this funding opportunity is either delayed or lost.
Its official !! Jimna has been branded ” THE CAMPING AND OFF ROAD CAPITAL OF SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND” .Treat yourself and family to an intimate interlude with nature by planning a visit over the coming holiday season, check out the diverse range of camping grounds surrounding the Jimna State Forest and Conondale National Park