Where as media notification was recently given concerning the cancellation of the requirement to obtain permits to traverse in state forests, further advice has been received that, although this is partly true, some areas may be designated restricted access and permits may still be applicable. It is also worth noting that the relaxing of the permit system will mean that restricted access signs will have to be changed or removed, which will take some time to implement, and if in doubt it is advisable to contact Queensland Parks & Wildlife Service (QP&WS) for clarification. This Government initiative is seen by the Jimna Fire Tower Action Group (JFTAG) as an indication that the issue of Public Access and Recreational Use of State Forests and National Parks may be receiving more favourable and constructive discussion in relevant policy debates, as well as enhancing the prospects of unique attractions such as the Jimna Fire Tower.
QP&WS are to be commended for the completion of the new suspension bridge over Yabba Creek at the Peach Trees Camping Area, which has provided an added facility to this popular Forest Park. JFTAG hopes that this bridge will connect with the tracks, which were launched on Easter Sunday, to provide future users with a walking track network, that will pass by the Jimna Fire Tower, Jimna itself, take in the beauty of Yabba Creek as well as magnificent views to the South Queensland Coastline.
SUCCESSFUL JIMNA WALKING TRACK LAUNCH Easter Sunday turned on glorious weather for a steady stream of visitors to enjoy the fresh mountain air and the variety of walking tracks on offer. Many returned to the Jimna Tourist Information Centre to express their amazement at the potential of the area, and to thank JFTAG for introducing them to previously unknown experiences. It is well known that a visit to Jimna does become infectious, with such a vast and varied landscape to discover. All we want now is several inches of rain to fill the creeks and bring both flora and fauna back to its brilliant best. With in excess of fifty families registering their support for the Jimna Fire Tower over the Easter Weekend, JFTAG is absolutely delighted with the walking track promotion.