The campaign to preserve the Jimna Fire Tower has progressed to yet another positive dimension with imminent world wide exposure via the web sites of numerous fire tower groups throughout America, Canada,Spain, and New Zealand. The Jimna Fire Tower Action Group (JFTAG) will soon have local news updates posted on dozens of web sites around the world introducing our cause to a vast audience of like minded conservationists, historians and people who value the important role played by fire towers in the protection of national estates and human life. JFTAG has received the October edition of the Lookout Network, a quarterly publication which depicts the activities of affiliated member groups around the globe, and Jimna Fire Tower supporters may now access the parent body via www.firelookout.org for a mind boggling fire tower experience. The dedication and sheer number of volunteers who protect, renovate and manage the vast number of fire towers listed under the membership umbrella of the Forest Fire Lookout Association Inc., is truly awe inspiring, injecting new hope, and creating added support for our very own Jimna Fire tower, which is certain to prove one of the most magnificent, and quite possibly the most magnificent fire tower of them all.
Even before this unique structure begins to be assessed as a tourist destination, it has the capability of commanding overseas attention. That in itself must surely demonstrate the enormous potential tourism dollar that a redeveloped Jimna Fire Tower could generate, not only for the local economy, but also for the future of tourism throughout South East Queensland and now Australia. Sadly, the head in the sand attitude of our elected representatives decrees that precious time and buckets of money are wasted while bureaucrats from all levels of government procrastinate over who is responsible.
NEW WEB SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION. With the eyes of the world upon us, JFTAG has resolved to construct a new web site exclusively for the Jimna Fire Tower, with a more professional look, streamlined access to information and several new features including a “JOIN FRIENDS OF THE JIMNA FIRE TOWER” membership application facility, which for a modest annual fee members can become personally involved, while assisting to raise much needed funds to maintain the campaign. JFTAG sincerely thanks Natalie Robson from ABS Web Design www.abswebdesign.com.au for Natalie’s generous offer to sponsor the construction and hosting of our new site, and also hearty thanks to the Caboolture Camera Club who have donated a series of wonderful photos taken on a recent field trip to Jimna, from which selected images will be used. Caboolture Camera Club welcomes new members, so if you live anywhere near Caboolture and have an interest in photography, please contact this friendly and generous club via President Norm Finney on PH 5499 2229. Many thanks also to Brett Pratt and Kilcoy Sentinel for expert computer work done on the photos.
FUTURE TOWER NEWS UPDATES WILL BE RELEASED MONTHLY due to the current moratorium being in place until after the March 2008 Local Council Elections. With the holiday season approaching, JFTAG would like to see as many visitors and supporters as possible, either enjoy a camping break at the popular Peach Trees Camping Area, or take a day excursion to the Jimna State Forest and Conondale National Park area.