At a meeting held Friday 27th Feb. 09  it was resolved that due to the Queensland State Election being called early, just three days after the ‘Great Land Use Debate”, proposed for Wednesday 18th March 09,  that the function be postponed until a date to be decided. The well attended meeting, after considering the unavailability of several V.I.P. and Key Note speakers, and the fact that focus on the issues would be lost in the final week of the election,  was unanimous in the  decision to postpone. In retrospect JFTAG  believes, that the major issue of the future “management of state lands” should be “supported and  driven” by a broader based community organisation, and has resolved to pursue that objective. JFTAG  sincerely thanks those who committed to the event and advises that all pre paid dinner bookings will be refunded.

NATIONAL TRUST ATTENDS :- Executive  Officer of National Trust Queensland Mr Stewart Armstrong  brought news  regarding the possibility of the National Trust brokering a solution for the future of the tower. JFTAG welcomes involvement from the trust which may result in tourism redevelopment options being evaluated.

GOLLANS TILES MOBILE FUND RAISER :- JFTAG wishes to acknowledge the generosity of Jeff and Pam Gollan, proprietors  of Tiles Mobile Woodford, who have donated a wonderful prize of a $1,000  (trade price) of Tiles of  the winners  choice, to be raffled in the near future. More Info on this Fund Raiser soon.

JIMNA FIRE TOWER ACTION GROUP A.G.M. :- Thinking about a trip to the high country? Why not consider a camping trip to Peach Trees for the weekend 28th and 29th of March 09, or maybe a day trip on the Sunday. While your there, call into the Jimna Photo Gallery/Museum and meet and greet  fellow friends of the Jimna Fire Tower (JFTAG). Quick Annual General Meeting at 12 noon, followed by B.Y.O.  Barbecue/Picnic and walk up artists. Picnic facilities tea/coffee and kiosk on site.

FRIENDS OF JIMNA FIRE TOWER MEMBERSHIP FUNDING APPEAL:-   Please  access application enquiries and forms by  utilising any of the contact options below. Membership Fees are :-..  $10 Single …. $15 Double …….$20 Business ….and/or…. $….Donation….