The campaign to save the Jimna Fire Tower has attracted television interest from Brisbane, with Channel Nine’s Brisbane Extra crew scheduled to visit Jimna on Thursday the 8th of February 2007. Brisbane Extra presenter, Doug Murray, has expressed interest in the Jimna Fire Tower’s Heritage significance, it’s value to the local community and it’s popularity as a Tourist Destination, and is keen to interview people who have experienced the exhilarating climb and panoramic view.
The Jimna Fire Tower Action Group (JFTAG) will host the visit, with representatives from a broad section of community groups generously giving of their time, including the builders of the tower, Arthur Leis and his son Garry, who will travel from Nambour. Special thanks to Arthur and Garry and also to Bill Hauritz Executive Director of the Woodford Folk Festival, who also has found time to attend. JFTAG expects this Channel Nine visit to inspire other media outlets to become pro active to the tower’s demolition threat, as well as providing long overdue exposure of the issue to the general public of South East Queensland.
Other good news is that an article featuring the Jimna Fire Tower is due to appear in the February edition of the National Trust of Queensland’s Newsletter.